Sophie Price

"JSF Pete is a very calm & patient instructor who boosted my confidence after a few initial wobbles. He believed in me & this ultimately led to my first time pass this morning! His instructions were always clear & concise, easy to understand & put into practice. I have thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with JSF & I now look forward to driving my car." Another JSF first time pass at Gloucester Test Centre, this time for Sophie Price from Kilcot, on 15th December, 2016. Great result Sophie, well done from the JSF team.

Molly Bishop

Celebrating the 400th Online Raving Review from Molly Bishop of Blakeney. Not only a first time pass, but a one in 1000 perfect ZERO minors score! "Thank you so much Jim for your patience & time while I've been learning to drive. The lessons have covered everything in so much detail. Thank you again Jim & JSF Driving for helping me gain a first time pass with no minors!" Molly took her test in Gloucester on 13th December, 2016. The JSF team is justifiably proud, well done!

Hugh Greaves

"JSFDriving School has been great. JSF Pete's methods really helped me to remember the techniques he taught me. He gave me great confidence in my driving & helped me when things didn't go quite right." Great result with a first time pass for Hugh Greaves at Gloucester Test Centre on 12th December, 2016. Well done from all the JSF Team.

Kyle Trickey

"Pete helped enormously to boost my confidence in driving. Before going with JSF Driving School I was completely nervous behind the wheel. However after spending time with Pete I had everything explained to me in full. if you want to learn to drive safely & confidently then JSF Pete is your man." Test success for Kyle Trickey who passed his driving test at Gloucester Test Centre on 19th November, 2016. Well done from the JSF Driving team!

Alisha Khadgi Kumal

"JSF Pete has helped me immensely in gaining my confidence & more importantly to believe in myself. Throughout my lessons he has talked me through whenever necessary regardless whether on my first lesson or test day. He is a great instructor for anyone wanting to learn to drive. I cannot wait to insure my car and get on the road, thank you." Great result for Alisha Khadgi Kumal who passed her practical driving test on 19th November, 2016 at Gloucester Test Centre. Congratulations from the JSF Driving team.

Lauren Harris

"Thank you Pete! Your lessons were fully loaded & I learnt something new every lesson. You took me through step by step, making sure I understood everything. You were patient & understanding & I am so pleased to have passed after nerves got the better of me the first time. Thank you." Great test pass for Lauren Harris from Cinderford who passed her driving test on 18th November, 2016 at Monmouth Test Centre. Congratulations from the JSF Driving School team!

Jamie Lawn

"I passed my driving test first time & I am so happy! Many thanks to JSF Pete for being a patient & calm instructor. His lessons were fun & he knew just how much instruction to give me to allow me to develop my confidence & skills. Thank you." The JSF Team is celebrating a first time pass with Jamie Lawn on 16th November,2016. Jamie, from Birdwood, took his test at Gloucester Test Centre. Great result!

Anna Harkins

"I thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with JSF Pete, a friendly, polite & patient driving instructor. I left every lesson having learnt something, I set the syllabus for my next lesson using the performance log, & my lessons were value for money. Pete made me feel at ease & I'd recommend him to any one wanting to learn to drive. I am now looking forward to driving my car with the upmost confidence. See you after Christmas for a motorway lesson! Thanks Pete you're a star." Well done from the JSF Driving Team to Anna Harkins from Tuffley who passed her practical test on 12th November, 2016 at Gloucester Test Centre.

Wayne Thomas

"I think my intensive course was brilliant! Jim my instructor was spot on, a really nice bloke who gets to the point. I passed with flying colours! Thanks to Jim I am so so pleased I have passed as my life will be so much easier, from picking up the kids to going shopping etc. I think any person thinking of doing an intensive course should go ahead. I'm speechless about how good it is. If you're with JSF Driving School you've got nothing to worry about!" Congratulations from the JSF Team to Wayne Thomas, who achieved a great first time pass at Gloucester Test Centre on 11th November, 2016. Enjoy your freedom Wayne!

AJ O’Neill

"I have enjoyed my lessons with JSF Pete. He has been flexible with pick up points & tailored my lessons to suit my school hours. My tuition has been intense & very enlightening. He explained things in great detail & made sure I was at ease with all aspects of my driving. I felt confident on test day & this helped me immensely. I now look forward to driving my car with confidence." Well deserved congratulations to AJ O'Neill after a first time pass on 10th November, 2016 at Cheltenham Test Centre. Enjoy driving to Cheltenham College in your car AJ!

Jonas Ellerington

"Pete is a very thorough, positive & understanding instructor who has made my driving lessons a pleasurable experience. I returned to Gloucester earlier this week to resume my driving lessons after 12 weeks away & to say I'm happy is an understatement! I feel confident on the road & am ready to embark on my driving journey that lies ahead. Thank you so much JSF Driving School." A well deserved first time pass at Gloucester Test Centre on 26th October, 2016 for Jonas Ellerington from Gloucester. Congratulations from the JSF Driving team!

Jon Humphrey

"It's been wonderful learning with Jim & I feel so confident with my abilities now. I will be recommending JSF Driving to all my family & friends. Thank you so much, I feel like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders & I'm over the moon right now!" Well deserved first time pass from Jon Humphrey, from Parkend at the Monmouth Test Centre on 7th October, 2016. Congratulations from everyone on the JSF Team!

Dan Cole

"I have enjoyed my lessons with JSF Pete, he is a great teacher with a good attitude who kept lessons fun & interesting, allowing me to progress at my pace. He has lots of patience with any mistakes I made & helped me to overcome them. Further more he is just a nice guy, I'm now off to insure my own car and get on the road, Thank you JSF Driving School." A well deserved first time pass at Gloucester TC for Dan Cole from Hartpury College. Enjoy your freedom, stay safe!

Rosie Wells

"I passed my test first time even though everyone always said I'm a bad driver! Driving on roads is certainly different to driving my tractor around a field. Thank you JSF Pete you have done a brilliant job." An excellent first time pass for Rosie Wells from Harts Barn who passed at Monmouth TC on 15th September, 2016. Congratulations from the JSF Driving Team.

Sean Lane

"Thank you JSF Driving School for the great instruction & techniques you used to teach me to drive. I was able to choose what I wanted to learn & improve on during my lessons, using my progress card and performance log. I developed my newly acquired driving skills at a good pace that suited me. My money was spent wisely & not wasted. JSF Pete was very patient and a great instructor, & I would strongly recommend him to all people who are new to driving." Practical driving test success for Sean Lane from Shurdington who passed on 20th August, 2016 at Gloucester Test Centre. Congratulations from the JSF Driving Team.

Chris Thomas

"Passing my driving test is huge! It gives me the independence I need, especially in the rural area that I live in & as a student that lives away from home. Being coached by Jim for the test made it much easier & he allowed the lessons to be fitted around my schedule. Thanks!!!" Brilliant first time pass after an Intensive Course at Gloucester Test Centre for Chris Thomas from Goodrich, passing on 28th August, 2016 . Congratulations from the JSF Team.

Lewis Dyer

"Thanks a billion JSF Pete, your training and patience has changed my life. You have been so very understanding and accommodating, I have enjoyed my lessons with you. I feel grown up now and can't wait to drive the family car." A well deserved first time pass for Lewis Dyer from Gloucester at the Gloucester Test Centre on 22nd August, 2016. Congratulations from the JSF Driving School team

Italo Predreschi

"I had a great time learning to drive with Jim, he was very thorough & made sure I got everything in check before the test. Passing first time this close to my birthday was the best present from my Dad & Jim. I'm over the moon! JSF Driving was so helpful in booking the test & the week leading up to the test. Time to go be the designated driver for all my friends!" Great result for Italo Predreschi from Gloucester with a well deserved first time pass on 29th July, 2016. Congratulation from all the JSF Team!

Emily Arnold

"Thank you Pete for your continuous help, support, undying patience & resilience whilst teaching me to drive. I never thought I would be able to do it but with your advice & confidence in me I achieved my dream this afternoon. Thank you so very much. I can now also look forward to driving my car!" Excellent result for Emily Arnold from Cinderford who passed her driving test on 23rd July, 2016 at Gloucester Test Centre. Congratulations from the JSF Driving team!

Tom Fraser

"Thank so much Pete for being patient with me & teaching me to drive properly & with the upmost confidence. Thank you for everything." Congratulations to Tom Fraser from Newnham on Severn who passed his driving test at Gloucester Test Centre on 23rd July, 2016. Second pass for JSF Pete today!