Paul Jones

"Delighted with JSF Pete! Fun, calm, and friendly. Very easy to learn with. Very, very flexible, to allow me to schedule lessons to fit in with my work. Thank you so much." First time pass for Paul Jones from Gloucester who passed his driving test in Cheltenham on 22nd April, 2014. Great job done there

Tom Morgan

"Thank you Nigel for being such an incredible instructor, being so patient and not giving up on me. It was a wobbly start, but you managed to get me driving. I would recommend JSF Nigel without a second thought!" Celebration time for Tom Morgan from Penallt who passed his test on 14th April, 2014 in Monmouth Test Centre. Thanks Tom, and well done. Drive safely now!

Jon Beamish

"Nigel was a great instructor, really patient. I would recommend that any one who wants to learn to drive should go with JSF. Thanks for everything, I really appreciate it!" We really are rolling out the first time passes! Great job done by Jon Beamish from Westbury-on-Severn who passed his test today at Monmouth Test Centre with only 2 minors on 12th April, 2014. Thank you Jon, make sure you stay safe, and see you on the road!

Ryan White

"I'm absolutely delighted to have passed my driving test today and my appreciations must go to Pete. There was never a dull moment on Saturday mornings as well as a lot of attention being paid to detail during the lessons. I can now drive my car. Hope to see you on the road Pete!" Great first time pass for Ryan White from Cheltenham who passed with JSF Pete at the Cheltenham TC on 9th April, 2014. Only give us a wave if it is safe to do so Ryan...well done!

Jack Fraser

"Really glad I passed obviously! Jim has been a fantastic teacher - he's one of those rare individuals who can manage to be patient with a frightened, panicky teenager! Never a moment without a quip or a joke which made everything all the more enjoyable! And yes, I would like a mint!" Massive celebrations with Jack Fraser from Coombe Hill, who passed his driving test in Gloucester on 8th April, 2014, with JSF Jim. Well done Jack, it's been a pleasure! Take care and see you on the road!

Tim Gurney

"I was more than happy with Pete's lessons, they were structured to meet my needs. His lessons were enjoyable and fun. I would recommend him without hesitation to anyone wanting driving tuition." Celebrations for another first time pass, this time for Tim Gurney from Micheldean who passed his driving test at Gloucester Test Centre on 7th April, 2014. So pleased for you Tim, well done, and glad you loved your lessons too! Drive safely now!

James Underwood

"I'm so pleased to have passed today. I would like to thank Pete for all his expert teaching, patience when things went a little haywire and more importantly keeping me to a lesson schedule. I wanted to pass by the end of March to coincide with my new job and we did just that. Thank you so much, see you on the road!" Well done and well timed for James Underwood from Gloucester who passed his driving test on 17th March, 2014, with a couple of weeks to spare! Glad we could sort things out for you James! Enjoy this new chapter in your life, spread the JSF word and drive safely!

Trudy Tonks

"Thank you Pete for your help in getting me to cross the t's and dot the i's and getting my full licence. I can now go ahead and drive my car. You have been very supportive and patient throughout and I wish you every success for the future." Bringing on those first time passes again! Brilliant job done by Trudy Tonks from Cliffords Mesne who passed in Gloucester Test Centre on 6th March, 2014. Well done guys!

Jack Fedden

"I really enjoyed learning to drive, and would like to thank my driving instructor, Nigel from JSF, for being helpful and patient throughout the course. I found the car drove very well and was good to learn in." JSF is rocking with two first time passes in one day! Congratulations due to Jack Fedden from Blakeney who passed his test at Monmouth Test Centre on 6th March, 2014 on his first attempt with only 2 minors! Well done Jack, drive carefully and spread the JSF word!

Cassandra Tarantino

"A huge thank you to JSF Pete for his teaching and help, he was supportive, polite and patient! His lessons were well structured to meet my needs and they were fun. The road was long but we got there in the end. I am so happy I can now drive my own car." Brilliant near perfect pass with only one minor for Cassandra Tarantino from Quedgeley who passed her driving test at Gloucester test centre on 5th March, 2014. Great news Cassandra, enjoy your freedom and spread the JSF word!

Alex Jenkins

"Thank you very much to Nigel for teaching me to drive. At the beginning he was very patient with me considering the fact that I was terrible on the clutch and constantly stalled!! He is always very calm and never gets annoyed with anything you do which makes for a very comfortable environment. Thank you again and I recommend Nigel & JSF to anyone wishing to learn to drive." Celebrating a first time pass with only 4 minors for Alex Jenkins from Lydbrook, at Monmouth TC on 28th February, 2014. Well done Alex, drive safely and spread the JSF word. We are proud to say that you are the ninth JSF first time pass in 2014 out of a total fifteen passes so far this year!

Jake Holland

"Nigel was really helpful all the way through my lessons and test. The car was really nice and easy to drive, and I always got a polo! I promise I'll drive safe!" New driver celebrating being on the road today after a test pass in Monmouth, 27th February, 2014. Too right Jake, well done and remember to spread the JSF word!

Scott Goldie

"Thank you so much to JSF Driving, and more importantly Jim. Jim helped so much in boosting my confidence with driving, and was extremely patient throughout. This is a massive step in my life that will help me move forward and a bit closer to being a proper grown up!" First time pass celebrations for Scott Goldie who runs his own t-shirt printing business in Lydney! After passing in Gloucester on 21st February, 2014. It has been a pleasure teaching you Scott, let's hope you get to make loads of deliveries now you can drive yourself!

Ebony Cullabine

"Thank you so much to Jim and the JSF team!! FIRST TIME PASS!!! Can’t believe it!!!" Ebony won our hearts over even more by presenting Jim with a gorgeous card, with some vouchers, that said "Just a note to say a huge thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with me over the past few weeks. Your calm and patient manner really put me at ease and made the experience relatively enjoyable! Would and will recommend you to anyone. Many thanks!" comes the third first time pass in eleven days with a brilliant Valentine's Day pass for Ebony Cullabine from Lydney, this time at Gloucester Test Centre on 14th February, 2014. Well deserved pass there... thanks Ebony and stay safe!

Amber Schorr-Kon

"Thank you so much Nigel for being a very patient instructor and making me feel confident enough that I passed first time! I will miss our lessons and never dull conversations. I'm glad you were my instructor and I would highly recommend you to everyone I know, as you are an encouraging and supportive teacher, with a good sense of humour as well!" First time pass celebrations for Amber Schorr-Kon from Brierley who passed at Monmouth TC with only 4 minors on 13th February, 2014, even with the test starting in the car park at the bottom of Monmouth due to floods! We are bursting with pride...well done and stay safe Amber!

Heidi Lewis

"A massive thank you to Nigel from the JSF team for helping me pass my test! From the very first lesson he has made me feel at ease and has been a friendly and patient instructor even when I was making silly mistakes, for example my left being my right. He has helped me feel a more confident driver by offering me lots of helpful tips. Lessons never felt long or dull, and I have even had a giggle from time to time! I would definitely recommend Nigel and JSF to anyone who asks, and from now on every time I have a polo I will smile!" Even flooding didn't stop Heidi Lewis from Bream who passed her driving test at Monmouth Test Centre on 12th February, 2014. Thanks Heidi, really pleased to hear you enjoyed your lessons and were kept safe on one of the worst weather days ever. Go easy on the polo intake though!

Jamie Nyland

"I would like to thank JSF for all their help, especially Jim for correcting me when I didn't get things right. I would recommend JSF to anyone as I passed first time with only one minor. Thank you JSF." Those first time passes keep rolling in with big celebrations for Jamie Nyland from Bream who took his test in Monmouth, on 4th February, 2014. Our pleasure Jamie, well done! Please spread the JSF word and keep us up to date with your driving adventures on social media!

Vicky Cope

"Words cannot express how grateful I am to JSF Pete, a big thanks for all of your help and support. You were always patient and never gave up on me. It's taken me a while and I have not been the easiest of students. I will be recommending you to everyone so once again, many thanks!" Ending the month off with a beautiful smile is yet another JSF test pass, this time with Vicky Cope from Quedgeley. Celebrating her driving test pass at Gloucester Test Centre on 31st January, 2014! Good to hear that Vicky, all at JSF HQ are proud of you! Remember to take advantage of the JSF Loyalty Scheme if you want to get discounts from referrals for Pass Plus!

Ryan Woods

"Really really really pleased I passed first time with only 5 minors! Now I can drive to school and give my brother lifts. Thank you so much Jim you’ve been brilliant..." Wonderful first time pass for Ryan Woods at Cheltenham Test Centre, on 30th January, 2014! Well done mate, you have been great to teach...spread the JSF word and drive safely!

Jack Davies

"Thank you Pete , you have been a pleasure to learn with. Thank you for all of your theory and practical tuition during our time on the road together, I know that I will remember all your tips and that will help me to develop my driving skills further. Once again many thanks!" Brilliant first time pass for Jack Davies from Newent on 23rd January, 2014! Big congratulations all round, especially as it is the second pass for JSF Pete in one day at Gloucester Test Centre...Boom! Great work guys...see you on the road Jack!